You can be right or you can be happy. Choose one.

This coaching tip is based in the erroneous belief that winning an argument or being right makes us happy. Winning an argument simply means we have won the argument. Whether we win an argument at work or at home, when we win, someone else loses. It is hard to be happy when someone we are close to just lost an argument with us. Generally whatever mood goes along with being wrong becomes contagious and if we were happy we won the argument, generally the happiness was fleeting at best. If being right made us happy then the world would be full of happy people. If you look around the world is full of people trying to win and claiming to be right but the world is not full of happy people. Whether you are a boss, a husband or a wife, or you are a teacher in a classroom, being right and being happy are mutually exclusive. When we drop the need to be right, or even better, when we can let the other person be right, then we can find happiness through letting go and building strong relationships.


You can be right or you can be happy. Choose one.